The fastest and easiest way to build Shopify Apps on Rails
Getting shop owners to manually install theme files and snippets can be a huge challenge. With Superliner you can install everything automatically so that your customers don't have to work for your app.
No need to write special code to install assets. Supliner provides an easy framework for installing assets by setting some simple configuration options.
type: :create_theme_file,
# The name of the file in the Shopify theme
asset_name: 'snippets/my-new-app.liquid',
# The file in your app to be added
source_file: 'app/shopify-templates/my-new-app.liquid'
type: :install_snippet,
snippet_to_install: "{% include 'my-new-app' %}",
target_files: [
# account for differences among themes
install_before: [
# again allow for different themes
"{% form",
"{%- form"
'Install the snippet right before your "Add to cart" form.'
The pre-built support dashboard gives you a full-featured administrative and support tool with no effort. You can focus on building the unique parts of your app.
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